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a list of channels

Andrew Huberman:
Huberman Lab

Tom Bilyeu 
Impact Theory

Lisa Bilyeu
Women of Impact

"Neuroscience of how the brain & body controls our perceptions, our behaviours, and health. Episodes cover: sleep and learning, dreaming, motivation and focus, neuroplasticity, fear, and stress. Exploring behavioural tools (do's and don't's), and the role of nutrition, exercise, supplements, prescription drugs and electronic devices for measuring and changing the way our nervous systems work."

TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED today covers almost all topics, & whilst the TED talks link here takes you to their curated site with a specific "Self Help" section of videos, you can take your self over to their youtube directly, to subscribe & peruse the content there.

"A channel focussed on the application of positive psychology - how to up your mindset, develop leadership skills, and learn how to live to your full potential. Including weekly long format interviews, Health Theory, & open discussion around various topics from ego, failure, deep values and liberation, beauty and ambition, prison, drugs, & more. No topic is off-limits."

A show that features women who have overcome incredible hardship to achieve massive success. Our mission is to empower you and all women to recognize that you really can become the hero of your own life.

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